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Analysing My Image

During this blog post, I will be providing an analysis of my own images. What I believe/interpret my image to mean. This will be included underneath the image.

  • The image is in black and white, so the use of colour has been removed from the image, removing any potential distraction.

  • The sky being blank and by creating lots of negative space, this could symbolise this feeling of not being able to see anything, the enjoyment being taken out of life itself, leaving you with a blank space of something that once was filled.

  • The path in front of the bench has two options of entrances/ exits, but we are not able to see what possibility either leads to, giving this idea of everything coming to the same outcome or having an unknowing feeling of which path to take.

  • The bench is being the path, this could hint that the person has stepped off the path, separating themselves, but they are not looking for possible exit, or that they cannot see one, looking ahead at the blank, negative space.

  • In front of the bench there is a lot of grass and it is the same in front of the bench, this could indicate that the person believes that they are not leaving anything in the past or looking towards anything in the future, or not expecting anything from it.

  • As we investigate the background of the image, it is notable that there are two main trees.

  • Both trees do not have any leaves, giving the impression that there is no life left in them.

  • The tree on the right however, does have a birds nest. This could symbolise that even though the tree is no longer growing or showing any signs of life, it does not matter to the life that is trying to move on, despite the tree not moving on.

  • The person on the bench has very introverted body language. This could be a symbol of not wanting anyone to disturb them or they feel alone.


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