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Don't Panic, You Are Not Alone!

Panic Attacks!

Feelings of panic do attack!

A panic attack is a form of severe anxiety.

A panic attack can make you feel –

· Dizzy

· Disorientated

· Sick

· Shaky

· Going hot or cold

· You might have a dry mouth.

· Your heart can start to pound and beat rapidly

You might also feel like you are going to have a heart attack, or even die.

Panic attacks can have a severe impact upon a person’s life, making them afraid to do things that many people consider simple, such as –

· Walking into school, college or a meeting

· Driving the car or sitting on the train

· When they get up in the morning or it might even wake you up from your sleep

There might be a reason for the panic attack or there might be nothing obvious, but panic attacks can feel absolutely horrible for the person experiencing them.

If you are suffering from panic attacks, get help!

For the month of March, we have collaborated with a college student who has been experiencing panic attacks for some time. We asked her to express how panic attacks feel to her through photography, writing or art.

She decided to write some poems. We will share her poems during March.

We will also share more information on panic attacks. But remember, if you are struggling with panics attacks or know anyone else who is, seek help from your GP.

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The Mission Statement:

To encourage people to express their feelings of unease through photography and creative writing.


Many people feel a sense of unease today. A sense of anxiety and worry.

The aim of The Unease Project is to use photography and creative writing to educate people and share experiences of m

ental health conditions.

Unease - A spiritual or mental disquiet. A feeling of anxiety and discomfort. An unknown worry.

Many of us feel uneasy in the world today, leading to anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions.


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