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Loneliness - Book Available

The Unease Project Volume 1 - Loneliness

We are pleased to announce the publication of our two first books and eBooks.

We started the Unease Project as we wanted to encourage people to express their thoughts and feelings through creative writing and photography.

In January, we considered the topic of loneliness.

“This inspired me to take images of benches. To me, benches represent a place to chat, to sit and watch the world go by, to relax on a sunny day. But they can also be a place to sit alone, to grieve and to remember. When you walk past benches, you will often see that people have donated benches in remembrance of people who have passed away. These benches are there to encourage us to remember, sit and think.” (Evie)

“I was inspired to write poems on the theme of loneliness. The idea of being alone, lonely and how we do not always recognise just how alone other people are.” (Tracey)

We have released our first book on the theme of loneliness, including photographs and poems based on the theme.

If you would like to purchase a copy, you can do so by following the links to Amazon below –

Also, available, a photography book – The Benches of Stourbridge.

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The Mission Statement:

To encourage people to express their feelings of unease through photography and creative writing.


Many people feel a sense of unease today. A sense of anxiety and worry.

The aim of The Unease Project is to use photography and creative writing to educate people and share experiences of mental health conditions.

Unease - A spiritual or mental disquiet. A feeling of anxiety and discomfort. An unknown worry.

Many of us feel uneasy in the world today, leading to anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions.


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