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New Year, New Me

A new year A new me Not the me who sat alone last night Not the me who heard others make their plans Plans that didn’t include me Not the me that sits alone, Netflix on, Glass in hand. Not that me.

So many people can feel alone at times of celebrations, like Christmas and birthdays. Yesterday was New Year’s Eve and many people will have spent this time alone. Perhaps by choice, but for some, there is no choice in the matter at all.

Today feels like the perfect time to start this project on loneliness.

The aim of the Unease Project is to encourage people to express themselves through creative writing and photography. This first project is focussing on loneliness.

Benches can be a place to sit, to share, to laugh, but they can also be a place to be alone. Being alone can be a good thing, but not if we are feeling lonely.

The Unease Project is run by Evie Jones (photographer) and Tracey Jones (psychologist, teacher and creative writer).

We want to encourage people to express their feelings through images and words.

- The Unease Project


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