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So, is it a cliché?

Is it a cliche to say we are alone in a crowd? When I stand here, with you all, my friends, but you do not see me, do not know me, do not know what I go through? So, is it a cliche? When I am standing with you but facing my life alone?

We do often hear that cliché that people feel alone in a crowd. Feelings of loneliness can be made worse when we are in a crowd. When we see people around us talking, laughing, in groups, sharing things, going out, having fun. Whilst we are alone.

Being in a crowd can make our feelings of loneliness worse. If we live in a crowded place, a busy city, or go to work in a busy environment, or study, or simply go out into a busy shopping centre, it can increase our feelings of loneliness. It can appear that way, but not everyone is enjoying themselves. Being alone is not actually a solitary experience. Many people do feel alone.

- The Unease Project


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