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Uneasy Short Stories

​Short stories of uneasy thoughts. Many authors try to create a sense of unease in their writing, particularly horror, supernatural and thriller writers. Here, our writers in residence create short stories that encourage a sense of unease.
Use your own feelings of unease to create stories or poems.

A short historical true story of Lye Waste. An area of the Black Country and its horrible history.

What was it like in the Midlands during the Black Death?

She dies. That's it, isn't it? Well, no it isn't. But what happens when you come back?

Is it a wererabbit? Or something far more sinister? Or just the wind rustling in the trees and an overactive imagination?

Be very careful what you wish for! A short story by Annie Wooldridge.

She is just gone.  Do they even notice?

One hour to live. Have a coffee and sit there and do nothing? What would you do? An irritating and uneasy little story.

Overgrown is a photographic essay and short story about climate change and just what is going wrong in this world. Let the world be overgrown.

Uneasy short stories about princesses, peas and princes. Some in the Black Country. These fairy stories are not really suitable for kids.

He's getting closer and closer....

Why should I change who I am? An uneasy short story.

Do you know the Black Country legend of First Foot? Not just the Black Country though. This creepy little tale about New Year's Eve.

Do you ever really pay attention to the people around you? Do you know what they are thinking? This uneasy little tale shares one person's thoughts on their train journey home. You'll wish you hadn't read it.

She lies awake, alone. The silence of the pandemic around her. Then he comes creeping towards her home.

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